Saturday, January 7, 2012

St. Michael's Minute

Annual General Meeting: Our AGM will take place on the last Sunday of January. We will have a combined service of Holy Communion at 10am, followed by a pot luck lunch and our meeting. The theme will be Re-Laying the Foundations. Please note that all reports are due on January the 15th.

Messy Church: On Saturday, January 14th we will have our monthly family service with dinner, worship and crafts. All families with children are invited. This month we will be looking at the day that Jesus was lost! Come and find out what happened. 4:30pm-6:30pm

Games Night: Join us on Friday the 13th for a fun evening of crib or various board games, fun and fellowship. All are welcome. We will meet here at the church at 7pm.

Soup and Theology: This month’s meeting will be on the last Wednesday, January 25th. We will be looking at a topic that people often have lots of questions about: the End. What do Christians mean by death, judgement, heaven and hell? There is always good conversation and plenty of food. The cost for dinner is $3. 6pm-7:30pm @ the church.

Mom and Tots: For any mothers who have small children @ home and who would like a chance to get out and visit with other mothers while your children play, Shawna Cain has started a drop in mom and tots group here at the church on Tuesday mornings from 9am-11:30am. There is a $2 drop in fee to cover insurance and other incidentals.

Crafts group: drop in on Tuesday afternoons from 1pm to 3pm at the church for a chance to work on crafts, have some tea and have a chance to visit. All welcome.

Upcoming Events:

Jan 21 @ 5:30pm Dining out at Swiss Chalet

Jan 28 @ 6pm: Youth Group

Jan 29 AGM